
5 Myths About No Child Left Behind

What are the five myths?

  1. No Child Left Behind is an unprecedented extension of federal control over schools.
  2. No Child Left Behind is egregiously underfunded.
  3. Setting academic standards will fix U.S. schools.
  4. The standardized testing required by No Child Left Behind gets in the way of real learning
  5. Certified teachers are better than non-certified teachers.
This is a great education article that hits on most of the arguments against NCLB. Unfortunately it doesn't go into as much depth as I would have liked. For example, just because LBJ expanded federal controls over schools (myth #1) does not mean that further expansion is desirable or acceptable.

One quote that homeschoolers will give the nod to:

There's no solid evidence that state certification ensures classroom effectiveness -- and the booming success of programs such as Teach for America, which sends recent college graduates into troubled schools, suggests that certification may be wholly unnecessary. By requiring certified teachers in every classroom, No Child Left Behind makes it harder for district and charter schools to attract energetic and capable people who want to teach but take a less traditional route to the classroom.