
Its a catastrophe for the apostrophe in Britain

How can this be a good thing?
England's second-largest city has decided to drop apostrophes from all its street signs, saying they're confusing and old-fashioned.
"Confusing and old-fashioned"???  Other arguments were presented  for removing the apostrophe, but they were fairly thin.  The truth is as quoted;  people do not understand what that little squiggle means.  

Presumably it is much easier and cheaper to change every sign in the city than to actually educate the populace in the first place.  Or better yet, leave it up to the individual to solve the riddle of that dangling dot...

This fits with an earlier report concerning the words chosen to be excluded from new children's dictionaries in Britain.  Words that specifically dealt with English history, Christianity, and the monarchy were removed.   These were to be replaced with modern words from popular culture and technology.   

Full article: Associated Press