
Two bills raise red flags among Oklahoma homeschoolers

This is frightening. One of the bills will require more oversight of homeschoolers, the second will allow police or truancy officers to question and detain children not in school. (!!!!!)

Wilson cited potential abuse among some of the homeschooling parents as the reason behind the bill.
Some parents are not teaching their children but are putting them in front of a television, he said.
"I call that child abuse,” Wilson said.

Sarcasm alert:
Perhaps we should just put cameras in all homes. Then we wouldn't have to legislate based on the potential of abuse, we would know immediately if abuse is occurring. Video surveillance would be much cheaper than case workers and truancy officers.

Or better yet, we could just take all children away to be raised by the state at the age of 6 (possibly earlier) to ensure their proper, safe upbringing. If that is unreasonable we could simply mandate 6-8 hours of state approved and certified supervision and moral training.

Other possible definitions of child abuse:

Read the article: NewsOK