
States get D-plus on teacher reviews

A new study reports that nationwide good teachers are not being kept, while bad teachers are not being fired.

States were given letter grades in the study, earning a D-plus on average. The group gave its highest overall mark, a B-minus, to South Carolina, saying the state does better than any other at allowing ineffective teachers to be fired.
It said just 15 states require a look at whether kids are learning when teachers are evaluated. In addition, the study gave poor ratings to 35 states that don't explicitly connect bonuses or raises to evidence of student achievement.
This quote was interesting. If not based at least primarily on their ability to increase learning, then what criteria are used to evaluate teachers????

Homeschoolers will notice this aspect of the study: education degrees and quality of teaching are not related...
Also, 20 states insist that teachers take additional classes that don't specifically help them improve. Five states make teachers get advanced degrees to be get professionally licensed, despite research indicating those degrees don't necessarily help people teach better. Some 18 states require that teachers with advanced degrees be paid more.
It will be interesting to see what effect (if any) this study will have on the school system.

Full Article: Associated Press
Full report: National Council on Teacher Quality